sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019


Resultado de imagen de omg gif

This post is about theory....yes, we need to talk about this stuff...it's also a very important part of our learning process.
The second quiz is about relative clauses, the passive (the difficult part) and verbs with the infinitive and of course -ing.

So let's start with the difficult part...THE PASIVE!!
It's too hard to explain it, we better show you a video....LOL.

And what about the relative clauses?
On one hand, We learned the defining relative clauses and the non-defining, the first one gives detailed information defining a general term and you don't put them in commas and the other one is for giving more information about something.

On the other hand, we have relative pronouns, such as...

Resultado de imagen de relative pronouns
And last but not least...verbs with the infinitive and -ing.
Have a look at the next video, we know you will learn a lot with it...it's not that difficult to understand... ;)

That was all for today.. we hope you have learned some English rules today.

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